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IV Therapy for the Flu, Colds, and other Illnesses

A cold or flu can be a real drag. It can leave you feeling fatigued and not yourself for days or even weeks, impacting your ability to do the things you love. However, you don’t have to let sickness drag you down. IV Therapy may be the perfect solution when other conventional  treatments fail to work.

Sick man doing IV drip therapy and getting vitaminized serum

In this guide, we take a deep dive into the uses of IV drips for sickness to help you get back to perfect health in no time.

Uses of IV Therapy for Sickness 

IV Therapy for Cold and Flu

IV Therapy solutions boost your immune system to help your body fight infections. The IVs that are best for flus contain a special blend of vitamins and minerals, like B Complex,  that naturally give you fast relief from your symptoms.


IVs for Pregnancy Symptoms like Morning Sickness

Our Food Poisoning IV Treatment includes a list of ingredients to prevent nausea and vomiting and rehydrate your body. Depending on your symptoms, you may request a wide range of IV Therapy Treatments.


Using IVs for Hangover Relief

Our Hangover Drip helps with hangover symptoms, including dehydration and nausea. It also boosts your body’s energy, getting you back to doing the things you love.


IV Drips for Migraine or Headache Relief

Our Migraine IV Treatment is uniquely formulated to help relieve headache and migraine symptoms associated with oxidative stress buildup and vitamin deficiencies. The vitamins and medications in the IV also help to fight inflammation.


IVs  to Support Immune System Health

Our special blends of IV Treatments contain vitamins, minerals, and amino acids that boost the body’s immune system. The fast-hydrating power of IV Therapy also helps improve your lymphatic system’s function.


Drip IV Treatments for Sickness

When you catch the flu,  you do not have to drag yourself to the ER to get fast relief for your symptoms. Our registered nurses (RNs) can come to your home or office within an hour to administer special IV Therapy drips that will leave you feeling like yourself in no time.


Our Drip IV Packages for sickness include:


  • Super Immunity Drip for $395
  • Super Drip for $440
  • Myers Cocktail for $375
  • Stress Relief Drip for $295
  • Migraine Drip for $295
  • Immunity Drip for $295
  • Hangover Drip for $315
  • Food poisoning Drip for $340
  • C-Suite Drip for $900

Common IV Treatment Add-Ons To Support Cold & Flu Relief

You can customize your IV Therapy for flu package by selecting your preferred add-ons from our treatment menu. Popular options include:


  • Antihistamine 
  • Vitamin B Complex
  • Vitamin B12
  • CoQ10 
  • Glutathione
  • Magnesium
  • Vitamin C (1 gm)
  •  Zinc

At-Home IV Treatments With Drip IV Therapy 

Enjoy the convenience of IV Treatment in the comfort of your home, office, or hotel. Our mobile IV Therapy treatments enable you to get treatment in a familiar and comfortable environment, improving your overall experience.


Hear From Our Clients

Here is a testimonial from a satisfied client:


“We reached out to Drip IV Therapy after an unfruitful visit to a packed ER. We were able to have someone visit our home within a couple of hours. Quite reassuring to have a service like this when needed.” 


Membership & Packages

Enjoy our Drip IV Treatment Packages specially designed to optimize your health and wellness. Our membership packages include Standard Packages, NAD+ Packages, and Super NAD+ Packages. Become a wellness member today to enjoy big savings.


Book Your Treatment With Drip IV Therapy

Scheduling an appointment with Drip IV Therapy is very easy. Our medical team will begin by understanding your health goals. They will then develop a personalized action plan to help you attain your health and recovery goals. Contact us today to get started!